Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Treating The shingles Virus

Shingle Vaccine

Treating The Shingles Virus
The shingles virus is an infection of the nerve endings in the skin, it is a painful condition and is caused by the herpes “zoster virus”- the same virus that causes chicken pox.

Shingles attacks the nerve endings in the trunk area of the body and especially around the rib cage and waist. But the blisters that occur can appear on any part of the body, even on the head and the eyes.
The first symptom is a burning or tingling, pain and usually it is in the trunk area and around the waist. Headaches, fever, and fatigue along with the pain of clothing that touches the skin.
Shingles are usually treated with antiviral drugs, anti-inflammatory and herbs. Natural herbs can help boost the immune system and help with the healing and pain.
Lemon balm is an effective anti-viral herb. Its essential oil is helpful when it is applied to the skin, the oil will help guard against the blisters becoming infected and helps with the pain and itching.
For itching, try soaking a compress in chamomile, licorice, witch hazel, St Johns herbs. Any combination will work, let the boiling water cool then apply to the blistered areas.

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