Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Remedies for Sinus Infections

Remedies for Sinus Infections                              
The nasal sinuses are connected to the nasal cavity, and a common cold can spread into the nasal sinuses causing inflamed mucous membranes that can lead to an infection. 

The nasal passageway that connects the sinuses to the nasal cavity is narrow and is easily obstructed due to colds, allergies, or even polyps. The obstruction prevents drainage and traps air that can’t escape through the nostrils and causes mucus to build up.

A nasal infection develops when a bacterial or viral infection u develops usually a cold that spreads into any of the sinuses causing inflammation and swelling and often in the frontal or maxillary sinuses

The infection can be chronic or acute, and most bacteria caused, usually lead to the need for antibiotics. Symptoms of acute sinusitis are pounding headaches, sneezing, pressure, heavy yellow mucus, and fever. Acute sinusitis usually clears up in a few days.

Chronic sinus problems are caused by smoking, nasal growths, or nasal injuries. Sinusitis can be connected to food allergies, so it is best to talk with your doctor.

 Natural remedies can be effective in dealing with infections such as Horseradish poultice- helps draw out the infections by stimulating the blood flow and metabolism.

Expectorant medicinal plants can help as well if you frequently get colds and sinus infections ,you should try and incorporate fresh garlic, horseradish, or cayenne pepper into your diet.

These antibacterial plants help loosen nasal fluids and tame the swelling of the sinus membranes. Horseradish is probably the most effective, and you can grate and sprinkle over your food or purchase it at a health food store in tincture form.

Inducing sweating can help stimulate the immune system, by killing bacteria and helps promote the expelling of toxins. Using a netti pot you can add a spoonful of chamomile, Goldenseal, thyme, peppermint or diluted saltwater.

Inhaling steam with essential oils such as: eucalyptus, or tea tree oil are very effective. The steam is antibacterial and thins the mucus and helps loosen nasal secretions while the oils stop the inflammation and swelling.

Dry air will irritate inflamed sinuses so it is best if you use a humidifier to moisten the nasal passages or use pots of boiling water to add moisture to the area.

Be careful when you have a cold, use paper tissues and throw them away after using them.
Drink plenty of water to keep the nasal mucous fluid, and avoid coffee, and soda as they are dehydrating.

Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables daily so that you receive the necessary vitamins and minerals.
Limit dairy products because they are known to create thick mucus in the throat, nose, and sinuses and are ideal grounds for bacteria.

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