Monday, April 20, 2015

Do we really need fat in our body?

A lot of attention has been focused on our need to reduce levels of dietary fat because the human body actually does need fat. Of course the type of “fat” which is found in vegetable, olive and peanut oils and polyunsaturated fat that is found in corn, soybean, and fish oils. These fats actually do more than help reduce cholesterol levels and help provide energy for our body.

These oils are essential for brain development. When the body can’t break down and absorb these fats, then the body becomes “ fat intolerant” and the overall of   our health will suffer.

Fat intolerance happens when the digestive system isn’t working properly. Since digestion is a must for the liver, making bile, the pancreas producing digestive enzymes and the gallbladder releasing bile into the intestines.

Fat intolerance can develop if these organs are inflamed or not functioning properly. Symptoms can range from water retention and gas, to vomiting and anemia. Diet and natural healing therapies can relieve symptoms and help stimulate the metabolism of fat.

Herbal teas have the ability to come to the aid, whether it is nausea, fever, food poisoning or stress on the digestive system. To calm the gastrointestinal tract use peppermint, lemon-balm leaves or chamomile.

Herbal teas for infection or inflammation of the liver, pancreas, or gallbladder caused by an infection  to treat these infections mix equal parts of yarrow, peppermint and catnip. Drink several times a day.

Caraway tea- is known for its natural remedy for poor digestion. It helps to improve the functioning of the digestive organs and helps relieve gas.

Centaury Tea- has a bitter taste, but it is commonly prescribed to help improve digestion. Drinking one cup before meals are best.

Fat intolerance is sometimes caused by a digestive-enzyme deficiency which can be checked and confirmed by your Doctor. As always, before trying any natural herbal remedy always check with your doctor, especially if you are on medication.

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