Monday, April 27, 2015

Does Red Wine Fight Cancer?

Does red wine fight cancer?

Yesterday I wrote about a diet that was developed by a Dutch doctor called Cornelis Moerman. His theory was developed by researching areas of regions where people who drank red wine on a daily basis had lower cases of cancer.

The Moerman diet is an addition to medical treatment for cancer.It includes a lactovegtian diet along with supplements of eight essential nutrients. Vitamins A, B, C, complex and E and iodine, sulfur, and citric acid.

The doctor's goal was to fight cancer with diet be providing important nutrients and acids by including whole food diet that may fight cancer, it does eliminate refined and processed foods which have no dietary value.

By eating whole foods you are benefiting by the nutritional intake of antioxidants, which help to reduce the damage caused by free radicals which are harmful and help support the immune system.

This diet has been offered to cancer patients the Netherlands and Belgium  but it is not recognized nor popular with western medicine, fearing that people will give up medical treatment in favor of this unimproved doctors diet.

The Moerman diet has not had any scientific study or proof to determine the effectiveness of the diets claim to treat or prevent cancer. As always, talk to your doctor before trying any medical treatment.

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