Sunday, April 26, 2015

Does This Diet Work?

Red Wine

Lately everyone you talk to is either on a diet or watching their weight and wanting to lose a few pounds. There are so many diets on the market that it can literally make your head spin. Finding what diet suits your own individual style.

In the late 1930s a Dutch doctor called  Cornelius Moerman discovered that there was a lower incidence of cancers in certain regions where people regularly drank wine compared with other areas that had less consumption.

The doctor had found that acids and trace elements in wine naturally hinder tumor growth. According to his theory, cancer develops when the body lacks certain acids that acidify the blood and help prevent abnormal cell growth. The doctor also believed that certain  mineral deficiencies can make the body more susceptible to infections and tumors.

He developed a special diet that provides a balance of acids, vitamins, minerals, helps detoxify, stimulates immunity, and supports  the metabolism. But keep in mind this diet is not meant to replace a medical treatment.

Research has shown that daily consumption of red wine has many benefits. Red wine is rich in bioflavonoids, which help strengthen the heart tissue and reduces inflammation, which causes other diseases and cancers. However, drinking wine needs to be done in moderation.

My next post will delve deeper into this interesting diet.

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