Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Remedies for osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a disease that happens when bone mass diminishes dangerously, leading to losing height and an increase in fractures due to the slightest injury.  The most common breaks are usually in areas of the body with the greatest use and abuse, particularly the spine, pelvis and hip.

There are about 10 million women in the United States that have osteoporosis. Aging, physical inactivity, poor nutrition, smoking and genetics are major factors. Women are at a higher risk after menopause because estrogen production has decreased calcium and vitamin D, both extremely important for strong bones. It has become a problem responsible for accidents of the spine and hip in older women.
If there isn’t enough calcium in your diet, your body will “steal” it from your bones to provide it to the heart and muscles. Over time that will result in porous, fragile bones. With this progressive disease in bone density a person can experience some symptoms such as back pain, stooped posture, an increased curvature of the spine and the likelihood of fractures.
High factors of osteoporosis are; a life style of inactivity, smoking, excessive caffeine, and alcohol are just a few. Prevention actually needs to start at childhood with a diet containing calcium and vitamin D both extremely important for strong bones. A diet rich in calcium or supplements along with exercise are important to reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Keep active by jogging, walking, and any good form of exercise.

Calcium can be found in yogurt, milk, and cheese. Some nondairy products are almonds, soy, rice milk, orange juice, leafy greens, and canned sardines. Calcium supplements are also available to include in your diet.

These herbal remedies can help with building bone mass; Sea vegetables like- Wakame and Kombi- these are nature’s potent bone builders. If horsetail and nettle leaf extract are added they create a powerful combination. Horsetail helps increase the body’s intake of calcium.

Since women are prone to osteoporosis they should drink Lady’s mantle tea. This herbal tea helps to maintain estrogen production and controls its effects on the body. Drink 2 -3 cups a day.

Since the spine is susceptible to osteoporosis, it is important to protect it. Pay attention to how you move, and not overload your spine which may cause a fracture. Be sure not to lift more than you can carry and  lastly, women who frequently diet maybe at a higher risk of this disease because constant dieting can prevent the body from getting all the bone building nutrients that is needed, and over time these women who are too thin are likely to develop osteoporosis.



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