Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Relief from migraines


There are herbal remedies for the relief of migraines those pesky chronic headaches that usually occur on one side of the head, and an attack can last for hours bringing nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and sensitivity to light.

The migraine is caused by a disturbance of the blood vessels in the brain; the arteries first contact then expands causing the headache. A migraine headache can be triggered by stress, alcohol, hormonal imbalances, or even certain foods.

It is best to treat your headaches by choosing the herbal remedies based on what triggers your headache.

For menstrual headaches try-chaste tree or yarrow.. If your headaches are due to stress, or anxiety try- Kava Kava or black cohosh- a calming muscle relaxant.

There are many other remedies that will help ease the pain of a migraine, try horseradish compress or caraway. Both are effective in bringing relief to a migraine.

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