Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Natural treatments for bladder infections


The urinary bladder is joined to the kidneys buy tubes called ureters and to the outside of the body by the urethra. Women are more prone to bladder infections because the urethra is shorter making it easy for bacteria to enter, especially from the rectal area.

Common signs of a bladder infection are frequency of urination, pain, or burning, foul smell or cloudy urine, and sometimes there maybe blood in the urine. While a bladder infection is not that serious if left untreated however, a kidney infection can develop so it is wise to seek medical attention.

There are herbal remedies that can be used as treatment and work very well such as herbal teas, natural supplements, and baths. Herbal teas and home remedies can help ease the discomfort of a bladder infection.

Watermelon, parsley, and celery added to your diet can act as a diuretic and cleanser for your bladder. Proven medicinal herbs for the treatment of a urinary tract infection include:

Uva-ursi, calendula flowers, juniper berries, goldenrod, couch-grass root, horsetail, and marsh-mallow root. They all work as an anti-inflammatories and diuretics. You can purchase these teas at a health food stores or online.

Antiseptic soap is an excellent way to cleanse the area- tea tree soap is a highly potent antiseptic. Other antiseptic herbs are: usnea lichen, and pipsisewa leaf.

Gentle diuretic herbs are: dandelion leaf, parsley root, cleavers herbor, and horsetail-which are highly effective. Herbal supplements that can be taken for bladder infections are: Nettle, Echinacea, orange peel, and pumpkin seed

Some home remedies that can be useful are- sitz baths they help the circulation in the pelvis, bladder, urethra, and ureters. This can ease some of the discomfort and pain.  Heating pads will also soothe the bladder infection.

As always, check with your doctor before trying any herbal remedies.


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