Monday, August 19, 2013

Natural remedies for arthritis

As you have read in my many posts, you are aware that I am a big believer in natural remedies.  There are natural remedies for treating arthritis an inflammation of joints.

There are roughly almost 100 different conditions, many which do not involve inflammation but do result in aches and pains in the joints and connective tissues all over the body.

The Arthritis Foundation estimates that there are about 20 million Americans that suffer from some form of arthritis, serious enough to require medical attention. Inflammation of the joints, swelling, stiffness and limited movement of the joint are some of the symptoms of arthritis.

The most common types are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.  Osteoarthritis effects the joint causing the wasting away of the joint cartilage, affecting older people whose bone tissue loses its ability to regenerate.
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which the body attacks the membranes that produce fluid allowing for a smooth movement of the joint. Gout is another form of arthritis, it is a metabolic disease causing swelling of the foot and hand joints due to an excess of uric acid.
Certain foods can help fight inflammation of the joints- eating certain fish varieties, like salmon, sardines, mackerel, and herring on a regular basis help. These fish have omega 3’s essential fatty acids.  These fish contain highly unsaturated ingredients which are vital to the body’s cells; they can delay the development of arthritis because of the chemicals that help fight inflammation.
There are natural herbal remedies that can be taken to help with arthritis. Medicinal teas have been known to provide vitamins and certain teas like- stinging nettles can not only help with inflammation it can help with gout by its ability to help the kidneys to expel the uric acid which builds up in cases of gout. Horsetail tea- provides minerals that help rebuild bones and tissues.
 Natural herbs for arthritis are - Burdock root- helps reduce swelling, Devil’s claw- eases pain, and nettle root is an ant-inflammatory. Alfalfa, white willow root, celery seed, slippery elm, and sage,
If you want a faster method for it to enter your body goes with tinctures. Celery seed, feverfew, black cohosh, and meadow sweet . Meadow sweet contains salicin a natural form of aspirin and is used for rheumatism and arthritis. This natural herb can be purchased not only in liquid form but also in bulk and used as a tea.

Lastly, don’t forget to try turmeric an herb from the ginger family, this herb helps reduce inflammation and stiffness. This herb is an anti-inflammatory not only helps the joints but also delays any liver damage that could lead to cirrhosis.





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